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Data Exchange Between Branches | Data Synchronisation, Snapshot Exchange

Published on: 25-05-2022

Data Exchange Between Branches | Data Synchronisation, Snapshot Exchange

When your business has multiple branches, you will need to share business data like payments and receipts, stock details from branches/warehouses, and so on. This data sharing can be between different branches, or between head office and branches/warehouses. You can use data synchronisation to share and update data between two or more locations, including head office, branches/warehouses. At both locations, you must have the same release of Tally ERP 9. However, you need not maintain continuous internet connectivity to do synchronisation.

Data distribution and consolidation : You can use synchronisation to distribute the item catalogue or party ledgers created at the head office or a branch/warehouse to all branches. The transactions recorded at all branches or warehouses can be consolidated at the head office, or a designated branch. In effect, you can avoid duplication of data entry efforts, and minimise errors. In case you alter or delete transactions, you can share such vouchers too.

The data that you can share between Tally.ERP 9 in two locations include masters and transactions. You can configure your Tally.ERP 9 to control the direction in which this data sharing should take place. For this, Tally.ERP 9 follows a client-server model. You can designate one location as the client and the other as server. However, Tally.ERP 9 can behave as client and server at the same time. This will help to set up data distribution and consolidation at the same location. For example, you can create all masters at the head office and share with branches. You can also consolidate transaction data from all branches at the head office.

Security : The process of synchronisation is secure as the data is transmitted in an encrypted XML format, over HTTP. Tally.ERP 9 uses the Modified DES algorithm, which is proprietary in nature, for data encryption. After synchronisation the data is not stored anywhere. You can decide which Tally.ERP 9 user can perform synchronisation and related tasks.

Rules for Synchronisation : You can designate any one Tally.ERP 9 as a server and another as a client. At the client, define Client Rules for masters and transactions, according to which the data will be sent or received. The same Client Rule can be activated at the server location as a Server Rule based on which Tally.ERP 9 can accept or reject the data. Direction of data flow in any Client Rule can be as follows.

Client Rule



Send only

Receive only

Both (send & receive)


You can configure Tally.ERP 9 Silver (Single User) and Gold (Multi User) either as Client or as Server for the purpose of synchronisation.

Completeness of data transmission : Tally.ERP 9 can ensure that all the masters used in a transaction are shared along with the transaction. This includes Ledgers, Groups, Stock Items, Units of Measures, Currencies, and so on. After the first instance of synchronisation, if any transaction is altered or deleted, the changes are updated in the subsequent synchronisations.

To ensure that the data synchronisation between two locations are carried out completely, you need to have the same features enabled in F11 for both the companies. When the accounting or inventory masters are altered, a new master gets created at the other end on synchronising data.

Modes of Sync. : Synchronisation can be done in two modes.

● Online : T he client and the server companies need to be online at the same time, and connected through Tally.NET Server, or a p rivate network. The sync rule and data are immediately transferred to the connected company.  To synchronise in a private network, use the static IP address and the port number on which Tally.ERP 9 is running.

● On-demand : The client and the server companies need not be online at the same time. Data is synchronised using Tally.NET Server. The Tally.NET Server stores the sync rule and data until it is accepted by the receiving company. Hence, you can initiate a synchronisation at anytime without worrying about the other company being online. The data on Tally.NET Server is deleted after the receiving party takes it or after seven days, whichever is earlier. After seven days, a new synchronisation request has to be sent.

Note: To synchronise using Tally.NET Server, a valid license and an active TSS are required.

Exchange of bulk data : When you open a new branch, or set up synchronisation for the first time, the need to exchange large data is high. The snapshot exchange feature enables fast data exchange. You need to use private network for snapshot exchange.

Set up for Synchronisation : Specify the role of your company in synchronisation, create sync. rule on the client, and activate the sync. rule on the server. If you are using Tally.NET Server for synchronisation, you need to configure the TSS feature. For online synchronisation, keep the company connected.


On this page

● Get Started with Synchronisation

● Control Synchronisation

● Synchronisation Reports

● Bulk Data Exchange


Get Started with Synchronisation

1. Specify the role of your company

2. Define Synchronisation Rules

3. Synchronise data


Specify the role of your company

You can configure your Tally.ERP 9 company to be a client, server, or both for synchronising data. If you do not need to synchronise data, you can set this configuration as None .


1. Go to Gateway of Tally F12: Configure Advanced Configuration .

2. Configure your company as Client Server , or Both (Client & Server).

3. Specify the required Port (for example: 9000).

These details are displayed in the Configuration block of the Info Panel .

4. Save the configuration. Restart Tally.ERP 9 as prompted.

After specifying the role of your company in synchronisation, you can create the client rules.


Define synchronisation rules

There are two steps to set up synchronisation rules, one at the client and the other at the server.

● Create client rules

● Activate server rules


Create Client Rules

Synchronisation rule for the client company defines your data synchronisation preferences. The client rule sets options for synchronising masters and transactions with the server.


1. Create Client Rule for Master .

a. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Client Rules Create .

b. Rule Type Master .

c. Enter the Rule name .

d. Use On-demand sync? Yes , if needed. If enabled, you need to use Tally.NET Server for synchronisation.

e. Sync via Tally.NET Server? Yes , to use Tally.NET Server. Set it to No , to use private network, and specify the Server URL .

o In Server account ID , enter your Tally.NET Server account ID.

o In Company name on server , enter the company name on server.

f. Select Direction of sync as Receive Data to receive masters from the server company. Select Send Data to send masters to the server company.

g. Save the configuration.

2. In a similar manner, create Client Rule for Transaction .

● Rule Type Transaction .

3. Send Client Rule to the server.

a. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation .

b. Select ynchronise All to send all rules. Select Synchronise Selected to send selected rule.

c. Press Enter to start synchronisation to send the rule.

The client rules is defined. Do a synchronisation at the client to send these rules to the server. You also need to do a synchronisation to get these rules at the server.

If you are using On-demand synchronisation, the rules will be stored at the Tally.NET server until the server executes synchronisation.


Activate Server Rules

Synchronisation rule for the client company defines your data synchronisation preferences. Do a synchronisation to get the client rules to the server, and then activate it as the server rule.


1. Activate Server Rule for Master.

a. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Server Rules Activate .

b. Select the rule from the List of Rules . The Rule Type tells you if the rule you are selecting is a masters or transactions rule.
The Server Rule Alteration screen appears.

c. Activate rule - Yes .

2. In a similar manner, activate Client Rule for Transaction .

● Deactivate when client rule changes Yes to auto deactivate the rule when client rule is modified. This enables you to check and activate the required rule.

● Activate rule Yes .

Server Rule is activated. You can execute data synchronisation when needed.


Synchronise data

After setting up the Client Rules and Server Rules, you can synchronise data when needed.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation .

2. Select ynchronise All in order to synchronise data for all the client rules created. Select Synchronise Selected in order to synchronise data for a selected rule.
You can use selective synchronisation in case you want to receive masters, without sending transaction details to the server or vice-versa.

3. Press Enter to start data synchronisation.
After data synchronisation is completed, a message appears in the client system's Calculator panel.

A similar message appears in the server company's Calculator panel.


Control Data Exchange/Synchronisation

● Who will use synchronisation features

● Share masters between branches

● Consolidate business transactions

● Connect your company for online synchronisation


Manage who will use synchronisation features

You can decide which users can do different tasks related to synchronisation.

● Do Synchronisation - You can allow or disallow a user to perform data synchronisation from the client or server company.

● View Synchronisation Reports - You can allow or disallow a user to view synchronisation reports.

● Manage Synchronisation Rule - You can allow or disallow a user to create/alter/delete the client or server rules at the client or server company.

To allow selective rights to users, you need to specify their rights using security level when creating users. For more information on adding/removing the tasks to the required security level, see Assigning Security Level.


Share masters between branches

You can create masters at the head office, warehouse or any branch, and share with other branches. For this, at the client you need to define the masters that it will receive and send. Then, send these rules to the server, so that the server can validate the data before accepting.

● Receive master data from the server

● Send master data to the server

● Receive master data from the client

● Send master data to the client


Identify the master data to receive from the server

At the client, define the type of masters that the client will receive from the server.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Client Rules Create or Alter .

2. In the Client Rule Creation or alteration screen,

a. Rule Type Master .

b. Direction of sync Receive Data .

c. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Ignore altered voucher type masters Yes , to reject the changes in voucher types made at the server company.

Ignore voucher type numbering No to accept the voucher numbering, and related configurations. You can alter this only if Ignore altered voucher type masters is set to No .

Overwrite opening balances No , to retain the values available at the client.

For ledger No , to retain the ledger opening balances at the client.

For stock item No , to retain the opening balances at the client for stock items.

Combine opening BRS No , to retain the values available at the client.

3. Save the configurations.


Identify the master data to send to the server

At the client, define the type of masters that the client will send to the server.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Client Rules Create or Alter .

2. In the Client Rule Creation or alteration screen,

a. Rule Type Master .

b. Direction of sync Send Data .

c. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Synchronise altered masters Yes for the server to update changes made to the masters at the client, after the previous synchronisation.

Send base currency symbol along with amounts Yes to send the base currency symbol at the client to the server company.

3. Save the configurations.


Identify the master data to receive from the client

At the server, define the type of masters that the server will receive from the client.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Server Rules Activate .

2. Select the rule to alter.

3. In the Server Rule Alteration for Master screen,

a. Direction of sync Receive Data .

b. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Ignore voucher type masters Yes , to ignore changes in voucher types made at the client company.

Ignore voucher type numbering Yes , to ignore voucher numbering and related configurations. Set this option to No to overwrite voucher numbering configuration.

Overwrite opening balances Yes as required.

For ledger Yes , to overwrite ledger opening balances with the data coming from the client.

For stock item Yes , to overwrite opening balances for stock items with the data coming from the client.

Combine opening BRS Yes , to add the opening BRS of client, to the server.

The client for which the configuration is being set is displayed under Client Information .

4. Save the configurations.


Identify the master data to send to the client

At the server, define the type of masters that the server will send to the client.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Server Rules Activate .

2. Select the rule to alter.

3. In the Server Rule Alteration for Master screen,

a. Direction of sync Send Data .

b. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Synchronise altered masters Yes , to send masters altered since the last synchronisation.

Send base currency symbol along with amounts Yes , to send the base currency symbol to the client.

The Client Information contains details of the client rule.

4. Save the configurations.


Consolidate business transactions

Based on your business needs, you can specify the transaction data to be exchanged.

● Receive transaction data from the server

● Send transaction data to the server

● Receive transaction data from the client

● Send transaction data to the client

● Transaction data to exchange between client and server


Identify the transaction data to receive from server

At the client, define the type of vouchers that the client will receive from the server.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Client Rules Create or Alter .

2. In the Client Rule Creation or alteration screen,

a. Rule Type Transaction .

b. Direction of sync Receive Data , and select the voucher types as needed.

c. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Ignore received master, if already present No , to stop receiving masters that are already present.

Ignore altered voucher type masters Yes , to ignore changes in voucher types made at the server company.

Ignore voucher type numbering No , to accept voucher numbering and related configurations. You can alter this only if Ignore altered voucher type masters is set to No .

Overwrite opening balances Yes , to overwrite the values available at the client.

For ledger Yes , to update the ledger opening balances.

For stock item Yes , to update the opening balances for stock items.

Combine opening BRS Yes , to combine the opening BRS of server, and client company.

Accept non-base currency transactions No , to avoid synchronising transactions that are not in the same base currency.

3. Save the configurations.

Based on this rule, client will receive vouchers from the server.


Identify the transaction data to send to server

At the client, define the type of vouchers that the client will send to the server.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Client Rules Create or Alter .

2. In the Client Rule Creation or alteration screen,

a. Rule Type Transaction .

b. Direction of sync Send Data , and select the voucher types as needed.

c. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Synchronise altered transactions Yes , to synchronise changes in transactions after the last synchronisation.

Synchronise after save No , to avoid synchronising each voucher as soon as it is saved.

Exclude masters while sending No , to send the dependant masters along with transactions.

Enable sync for deleted transaction Yes , to synchronise the deleted transactions.

Send base currency symbol along with amounts No , to avoid sending the base currency symbol to the server.

3. Save the configurations.

Based on this rule, client will send vouchers to the server.


Identify the transaction data to receive from client

At the server, define the type of vouchers that the server will receive from the client.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Server Rules Activate .

2. Select the rule to alter.

3. In the Server Rule Alteration for Master screen,

a. Direction of sync Receive Data , and select the voucher types as needed.

b. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Ignore received masters, if already present Yes , to ignore the masters received, if already present at the server company.

Ignore voucher type masters Yes , to ignore changes in voucher types made at the client company.

Ignore voucher type numbering Yes , to ignore voucher numbering and related configurations. Set this option to No to overwrite voucher numbering configuration.

Overwrite opening balances Yes as required.

For ledger Yes , to overwrite ledger opening balances with the data coming from the client.

For stock item Yes , to overwrite opening balances for stock items with the data coming from the client.

Combine opening BRS Yes to combine the opening BRS of client, and server company.

Accept non-base currency transactions No , to avoid synchronising transactions that are not in the same base currency.

The client for which the configuration is being set is displayed under Client Information .

4. Save the configurations.

Based on this rule, server will receive vouchers from the client.


Identify the transaction data to send to the client

At the server, define the type of vouchers that the server will send to the client.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Server Rules Activate .

2. Select the rule to alter.

3. In the Server Rule Alteration for Master screen,

a. Direction of sync Send Data , and select the voucher types as needed.

b. Set/alter advanced configurations Yes .

Synchronise altered transactions Yes , to send all altered transactions to the client.

Exclude masters No , to avoid sending masters to the client.

Disable sync for deleted transactions No , to avoid sending deleted transaction details to the client.

Disable sync for summary transaction No , to avoid sending summary transactions to the client.

Send base currency symbol along with amounts No , to avoid sending base currency symbol to the client.

The client for which the configuration is being set is displayed under Client Information .

4. Save the configurations.

Based on this rule, server will send vouchers to the client.


Transaction data to exchange between client and server

At the client, if you select Direction of sync as Both , you will get the following screen. On the same screen you can define the transactions that the client will send to the server and receive from the server.

Send and Receive options are the same as explained above.



In as similar manner, at the server when you select Direction of sync as Both , on the same screen you can define the transactions that the server will send to the client and receive from the client.

Next synchronisation will follow these rules.


Connect your company for synchronisation using Tally.NET server

In case you are using online synchronisation, you need to keep the server and the client connected to Tally.NET server.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally F4: Connect .

a. If you have enabled security control for your company, move to step 2.

In case you have not enabled security control for your company, Tally.ERP 9 will prompt you for the same.

o In the Security Control screen, the option Use security control is set to Yes .

o Provide the administrator details. This login credential is for the company data.

2. Provide report access to Tally.NET users, if needed.

3. If there are more than one company open, from the List of Companies , select the company to be connected for synchronisation using Tally.NET Server.

4. Save the changes to connect the company to Tally.NET Server.

On successfully connecting to Tally.NET Server, the c onnection status is displayed in the alculator panel.


Manage Synchronisation Rule

● Alter synchronisation rule

● Migrate synchronisation rule


Alter synchronisation rule

When there is a change in the data exchange needs, you can alter the synchronisation rules.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation > Client Rules/Server Rules > Alter .

2. Select the rule from the List of Rules .

3. Alter the details, and Accept the screen.

● You can view the information on synchronisation for masters and transactions by clicking Alter on the right button bar.


Migrate synchronisation rule

When data is migrated from an earlier version of Tally.ERP 9 to a new version, the sync rules are also migrated.

After migration of sync rules,

● In the Rule Info screen for masters, Last Master Sent/Received Alter ID is 0. This field is updated on synchronising data.

● In the Rule Info screen for transactions, Last Transaction Sent/Received Alter ID is 0. This field is updated on synchronising data.


Synchronisation Reports

The synchronisation reports display details of the transactions synchronised, name of the rule, data type, last synced date, status of synchronisation and mode of synchronisation, and other exceptions.

● Transaction Sync Summary Report

● Synchronisation Status Report

● Synchronisation Exceptions Report


Transaction Sync Summary Report

This report displays details of synchronisation of transactions.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Transaction Sync Summary .

2. Select a rule from the List of Rules . The Transaction Sync Summary report appears as shown below:

3. Click F2: Sent on the right button bar to view details of vouchers that are sent since the last synchronisation.

4. Click F3: Receive on the right button bar to view details of the vouchers that are received since the last synchronisation.

5. Click F4: Change Rule to view synchronisation report for a different rule.


Synchronisation Status Report

The Synchronisation Status report provides details of the synchronisation such as name of the rule, data type, last synced date, status of synchronisation and mode of synchronisation.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Status . The Synchronisation Status report appears as shown below:

Note: To display further details of each synchronisation, click F1: Detailed on the right button bar.


Synchronisation Exceptions Report

The Exceptions report displays details of the errors while synchronising vouchers. You can correct them directly from this report. This report is for on-demand synchronisation.


1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Exceptions . The Synchronisation Exceptions report appears as shown below:

2. Double-click the transaction for more information about the voucher, and how to correct it.

3. Click F2: Sent on the right button bar to view errors in the vouchers sent since the last synchronisation.

4. Click F3: Receive on the right button bar to view errors in the vouchers received since the last synchronisation.


Bulk Data Exchange Between Branches | Snapshot Exchange

Snapshot exchange, sends and receives all the data created or altered after the last exchange. When doing the first snapshot exchange, all data gets exchanged.

It is essential to create the client rule, and activate it on the server before commencing an exchange snapshot online.

● Snapshot exchange

● Export snapshot

● Import snapshot


Snapshot Exchange

1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import of Data Synchronisation Exchange Snapshot Online .

2. Select the required rule from the List of Rules and press Enter .

On exchange of data between the client and the server, a message appears in the client's Calculator panel.


Export Snapshot

You can export your masters and transactions to XML format files. By default, the file gets created in the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder.

Export snapshot exports all the data created or altered after the last export. When doing the first export snapshot, all data gets exchanged. The masters are exported first, followed by the transactions.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import Data Synchronisation Export Snapshot .

2. Select Masters or Transactions in the field Export for .

3. Select the rule from the List of Rules .

4. Enter the export location or use the default export location.

5. Enter the output file name or use the default.

On exporting the data, a message appears in the Calculator panel.

You can now import this data to the server of your choice.


Import Snapshot

After exporting the masters and transactions from a client, you can import the data in XML format files to any server of your choice.

1. Go to Gateway of Tally Import Data Synchronisation Import Snapshot . The Import Snapshot for Selected Rule screen appears.

2. Select Masters or Transactions for the option Import for .

3. Select the rule from the List of Rules .

4. Enter the Import location or use the default export location.

5. Enter an Output file name .

A message " Importing snapshot of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX " appears in the Calculator panel.

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